For generations Marvel has exported the idea of the national superhero around its globe in the wake of Captain America—but few have been as fraught as Captain America: Brave New World's most controversial addition, Sabra.
Viz Media translator Kumar Sivasubramanian discusses the challenges of approximating Dandadan's pop culture references to English manga readers, and more.
The 40-year-old Become Everything You Are conference was a place the Pentagon gathered hundreds of high level recruits. This year it's pulling out as part of a broader DEI purge.
Fusus’s technology allows police to tap into live feeds from public and privately owned surveillance cameras. In Toledo, Ohio, cops use the power to watch one particular type of location.
There have already been seven outbreaks of gastrointestinal illnesses reported aboard ships that touch U.S. waters this year—well above the usual pace.
Our first look at Thunderbolts last year set up a big mystery around Lewis Pullman's character—and now our latest actually gives us an even bigger hint at what to expect from Marvel.
After threats of a trade war and Trump's wild statements about potential annexation, Brian K. Vaughan and Steve Skroce's We Stand on Guard suddenly finds itself relevant again.
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It is a small sample taken from a scan of the amazing artwork by Howard Chaykin for the Illustrated version of the book.
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